
三个人的麻烦 剧情简介

泰剧网_泰剧Tv_最新泰剧推荐_泰剧排行榜单第一时间收录《三个人的麻烦》并提供免费在线观看。《三个人的麻烦》上映于 1918年,是一部美国制片出品,由查理·卓别林,李奥·怀特,斯纳卜·波拉德,巴德·贾米森,杰姆斯-凯利,艾伯特·奥斯汀等主演的喜剧片,对白语言为英语。

《三个人的麻烦》剧情简介:真正的快乐来自内心的平静,放空自己,让思想裸奔一家庭影院影院反黑路人甲粤语在线观看。As Colonel Nutt is experimenting with explosives, a new janitor is joining his household. The inept janitor proceeds to make life difficult for the rest of staff. Meanwhile, a foreign agent arrives at the house in hopes of getting Col. Nutt's latest invention. The inventor throws him out, so the agent then employs a thug to get the formula. When police head to the Nutt home to start an investigation, a complicated fracas ensues.



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