桥 第四季 剧情简介

泰剧网_泰剧Tv_最新泰剧推荐_泰剧排行榜单第一时间收录《桥 第四季》并提供免费在线观看。《桥 第四季》上映于 2018年,是一部瑞典语制片出品,由索菲亚·海林,托尔·林德哈特,萨拉·博贝格,Dag,Malmberg,拉斐尔·佩特松,安·彼得伦,米凯尔·比克耶,Maria,Kulle,Julie,Carlsen,托马斯·加比利尔森,Sandra,Yi,Sencindiver,Lars,Bjarke,安德斯·莫索林,亚当·帕森,埃利奥特·克罗赛特·霍夫,莱娜·斯特伦达尔,米凯利斯·库佐吉亚纳基斯,拉斯·兰特,Peter,Hald,约翰内斯·昆科,帕特里夏·舒曼,科拉·克劳泽等主演的美剧,对白语言为瑞典语。

《桥 第四季》剧情简介:每一个日子都普通,除了见你的那一天,天空是粉色,喝白水有甜味,阳光软软地盖在身上,连风路过的时候好像都打着好看的卷电影院的爆米花秋霞在线观看秋手机版霞。In the fourth season, a woman is found brutally murdered on a small artificial Danish island close to the Øresund Bridge. The woman is Margrethe Thormod, Thormod, Director General of the Migration Agency in Copenhagen, who was recently embroiled in a deportation scandal. Danish detective Henrik begins to investigate the murder without the involvement of Saga, due to the fact that she has now been imprisoned for the murder of her mother. Henrik is missing his colleague and wants to visit her as often as possible so she can help with the case. However, her predicament renders her unable to help. Henrik’s search for his missing daughters is also frustrated by Saga’s imprisonment and he gets close to giving up.

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